Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Paper Trees

There's still lots of crafting going on around here. I've hardly made a thing all year, but I seem to be making up for lost time during this past month. I found a tutorial for making these cute trees at Sweet Paul.
These stacked book page Christmas trees are one of those projects that can be done while watching television at night. I threaded/stacked the squares of book pages on a bamboo skewer that was attached to a discarded wine cork for the trunk. And then the cork was hot glued into a votive holder to create the tree stand.
As a final step I sprayed the entire tree with a light coat of spray glitter and then added a paper star at the top which I embellished with glitter glue. The round tree is made the same way but instead of cutting out squares from the book pages I cut out circles and crumpled them up a little before threading them on the skewer. If you want to make some trees for yourself, you can find the complete Sweet Paul tutorial here.
Signature w/rose


  1. What a beautiful tree!

  2. how pretty Jeanne! I saw these on pinterest too i think. I'm glad youre crafting again!
    Merry Christmas!


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