Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Got My Mojo Back. . .

We had our first measurable snowfall of winter today which is very late for us here in the Midwest. I watched the snow falling from my window - I didn't even go outside to shovel the driveway because I was busy enjoying a steaming cup of French Vanilla coffee and looking at old magazines! Can you say L-A-Z-Y??? I'll probably pay for it tomorrow when the temperature drops and the snow is frozen solid. But being snowed-in has it's benefits, because I got a little creative urge. This is just a peek at what I'm working on.
It felt so good to be making something artsy again.
Signature w/rose


  1. Jeanne it is great to see you creating again! Love the peek!

  2. That is a G-O-O-D thing :) enjoy!

  3. SO sweet! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Love what you made, and happy to hear you are getting inspired again! Lazy, creative days with snow are the best! Enjoy! xo

  5. Jeanne,
    That is totally adorable. I hope I get my mojo back some day! I am going to start embroidery so I can take it to appts. We are going to Johns Hopkins to see about the cancer vaccine a week from Monday. That will be our last shot. Thinking of you!
    Big hugs,

  6. hooray for mojo!!!

    i hope that your new year is off to a bright beginning!



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