Thursday, May 05, 2011

More Inspiration . . .

Heather held another of her infamous Petite Inspiration Box Swaps a little while ago which I took part in. I just love these small scale swaps of hers. I think they are my favorite. Who can't use a little box full of trinkets and artsy goodies to inspire you to create something beautiful? As you can see, my swap partners Cassandra and Marti went all-out decorating their boxes their tiny boxes.

Thank you SO much girls!
Signature w/rose


  1. What gorgeous boxes! Every one of you did a fantastic job.

  2. Samantha9:14 AM

    Beautiful boxes! I love those Petite Box swaps too. So fun!

  3. Awww These are so so cute!!

    Great job!!

    Hugs, Susan

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    These are beautiful. Must be something in the air. I just covered a Yardley Old English Lavender soap box the other day and posted pics on my blog too. These little projects are so much fun and can fill in a couple of idle hours, can't they! And they do make wonderful gifts in themselves.
    :-) Diane

  5. Those all all exceptionally beautiful, Jeanne. I love this swap but haven't had the energy to do it. I am managing postcards, still (though a little late this time again).
    I hope my reply on yesterday's blog wasn't obnoxious. I really kind of made it "all about me." :-( I was so excited but I didn't mean to do that.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This was lots of fun, thanks for everything!

  7. hi jeanne!

    i am so behind on my blog visits. i agree - these petite box swaps are always so fun. your set of boxes are lovely.

    hope you had a nice mother's day.


  8. i love swapping these tiny boxes. maybe sometime you and i will be swap partners :-)

    happy monday dear jeanne~


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