Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Banner

Recently I participated in the "One String At A Time" banner swap that Kari hosted on her A Year of Color Blog. My partner was Susie (who doesn't yet have a blog) and through emailing back and forth we discovered that we both like the same colors and vintage-looking things. (Isn't it fun when that happens?) Susie just wrote and told me she just received the banner I made her, so it is now safe to post a picture of it for you all to see. As soon as my banner arrives from her, I'll share that with you too. Happy Spring! (Our blanket of snow that fell on Saturday night should be all gone by tomorrow when the temperature is supposed to go up to 54 degrees ~ woo-hoo!)


  1. I LOVE it...that is one of my favorite vintage wallpapers....

  2. Oh that is so pretty! Isn't it great when you can swap with someone with similar tastes?


  3. Jeanne, that is such a beautiful banner...the colors are wonderful!!!

  4. I love the gorgeous banner!! Would you mind sharing how you make the glitter letters sometime? I really love the look, but I am sure there are some great tricks and tips for making them come out so lovely!!

  5. Samantha9:13 PM

    Oh she must have been so excited to receive such a pretty! It's really beautiful!

  6. it's gorgeous!!!!!

  7. Oh so pretty...lucky partner! I love your blog!

  8. LOve the banner! Such pretty colors :)


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