Sunday, April 05, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Vivian hosted a fun little swap called Easter Egg Hunt Swap where we each made two eggs and sent them out anonymously. So today, we are all posting pics of the eggs we made and the eggs we received and everyone goes blog-hopping to find out who made all the eggs.
I made two of these eggs to send out:
The eggs are paper mache and I covered them with paint, rick-rack trim, text from a vintage book, flocked paper, seam binding, and lots and lots of glitter.
Inside, the eggs were filled with ultra fine easter grass and a tiny fluffy chick wearing a vintage paper crown.
I hope whoever received my eggs liked them!
In return, I received this happy little acrylic egg filled with a vintage Easter bunny image accompanied by a couple of sweet little tags from Mystery Artist #1:
And Mystery Artist #2 sent this adorable half-egg, covered in sheet music and beaded hanger, filled with Miss Chickie all decked out in her Easter finery. Looks like she's on her way to the Easter Parade!
And included in the box was this darling little collage and glittery bunny....don't you love them both?
So now I'm off to "hunt" for eggs. All the links will be posted on Viv's blog so you can join in on the fun too! Happy Hunting!


Linda said...

Oh what lovely eggs that you made and received, I'm trying to find mine, so off to the next blog I hop. You have a lovely blog I will return.
Cheers Linda

Linda said...

How beautiful!
Your blog is so inspiring,
Thanks :)

Tammy said...

Love all the eggs! They are so pretty.

Lori said...

what a fun way to do a swap...that Viv sure is clever...i love all of the eggs!!!

Geralyn Gray said...

Oh I know who recv'd one of yours---she is a lucky girl....they are all good eggs....I am trying to be witty here....I am in trouble---you are my third stop.

Pam @ Frippery said...

I received one of your darling egg boxes with the chicky inside. I love it! Thanks so much, Pam

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you loved Miss Chickie in the egg!! I hope you enjoy it! hehe The eggs you made are sooooo pretty! I love them! big hugs


AwtemNymf said...

Awww- You made and rcv'd some beautiful eggs! I participated in this egg swap as well! Beautiful! Happy Hopping!

Canan said...

Oh what adorable eggs!
You have so many beautiful things in your blog.

kana said...


I love all of your pretty eggs. Happy Hunting.

kana said...

Sorry Jean, I didn't mean to say viv! I also participated in Viv's swap.

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi I´m hopping over from Germany.
The eggs you sent off are gorgeous! love the idea so much.
How lovely are these eggs you´ve received. You are very lucky!!!

Little Lovables said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!

I cannot belive how much talent went into those eggs!

kathy said...

OH your eggscreations are so sweet -- Glad you like my dimensional bunny in the egg design also the tags -- and the little picture and chalware bunny - Kathy - ga

Folksie Linda said...

Oh I love the eggs you made and the wonderful eggs and such that you received.. what fun! Hopping along now.. thanks for the beautiful pictures of your eggs! Linda

Anonymous said...

Love the eggs. Looks so lovely and such creativity!

Puddles of Grace said...

Awww pretty eggs!!!

Julie said...

The eggs you made are adorable...I love the little wording and the colors. The eggs you got are precious...What a fun Sunday Afternoon...Julie

Sherry said...

Wow! Your eggs are gorgeous!! You did a fantastic job!


Leslie said...

The eggs you made are beautiful. Love the vintage look. Have fun hunting for the great eggs you recieved!

natalea said...

I just love the pretty egg you made Jeanne! and i love your spot in "Marie"! congrats! xo natalea

Grace Garton said...

Everything here looks so lovely and cute. Love the little chick with his paper crown!

have a lovely Easter!!

Babsarella said...

Jeanne, your eggs came out great!!! I had fun making these last year, but have run out of time for this Easter season. May have to make them after the holiday and save them for next year.

♥zoe♥ said... beautiful and delicate! i really in love of these eggs u received:) so lovely easter egg you made!

Malissa said...

Your eggs are so soft and beautiful! Love the chicky surprise. I'm a bit of a late hopper-sorry!

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