Do you remember playing with paper dolls as a child? I loved the Betsy McCall dolls that used to come inside my mother's McCall's Magazine (no longer in publication). I would play with them for hours and even added to Betsy's wardobe by designing my own clothes for her out of leftover paper scraps. Later after my daughter was born, Mary Englebreight began publishing her Home Companion Magazine (also no longer in publication...hmmm) and including her Anne Estelle and friends paper dolls in the back and boy, did that bring back fond memories for me.
Lately, I've started playing with paper dolls once again and have been working on these little dolls for a swap in my Marie Antoinette Art Group. They were so much fun to make. I found the chipboard base for the paper dolls at the dollar store and painted over the entire doll to make them more "Marie-ish looking" Then I added lots of pretty papers, glitter, jewels, layers of tulle and crepe paper, etc to create the three different looks. Sent them off in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to see what I get back in return!
I have had a headache for the past two days straight. I think it is either the rainy weather or allergies that is causing it. It is always surprising to me how much a headache (or any pain for that matter) can slow you down. Yesterday I felt a little nauseous and I panicked, thinking I was getting that awful flu that's been on the news. But today it is just my head that's bothering me so I am grateful for that. Better go pop some Excedrine for migraines before the pain gets any worse, although I should have done that yesterday. Hopefully it is not too late now to get the pain to go away.