Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like. . . Christmas?

This is the scene from our back door this morning! Crazy, huh? And just when the tulips were beginning to push their way up from the soil. This is the way it is living in the Midwest, but it's never easy to get used to these little surprises. I think we can safely say that March is certainly going "out like a lion" around here! Surely it must be springtime somewhere!


  1. WOW!! It is beautiful... We had a cold snap here too. But no snow. I am longing for the spring my self. And less rain.. we have had rain and alot of it for days now. our yard is mud..

  2. How beautiful!
    It's snowing like crazy over here in sweden as well, just when I thought spring was here to stay :)
    Have a super sunday!

  3. are you kidding me? you had better NOT be sending that my way Jeanne...i mean it!!! hee hee:)

  4. Jeanne, I know there is warmth and drier days ahead. Since we had the tornado here in first of feb. our yard is torn up. we have to get some grass sewn soon or all our dirt will wash away. The house is about finished and ready to paint.. I know we has humans, lol, will be hollering for rain in aug.

  5. Beautiful, but crazy!! Our winter is having a hard time going away too! Enjoy your day! xo, Connie

  6. We got some of this too. Kinda fun but my floors are a mess between the dogs and the kids. Hate that part of it.

  7. Same thing I found this morning in northern Michigan. My heart sank. The only ones in the house who were happy about the snow were my dogs!

    Cabin I come!

  8. OMG! This is about the last thing I expected to see on your blog on March 29th!


  9. I thought you were getting an early start with christmas crafts! It's so beautiful, but I know exactly what it feels like. I spent my first 20 years in Michigan and remember the unpredictibility of March & April and even May sometimes. One day 70 degrees the next 30. The thing is by March you are sooooo ready for sun and warmth it's hard to enjoy anything remotely cold and wet! I'll send some of my sunshine your way!

  10. It sure is pretty, but not wanted at this time of year. I hope the sunshine finds you soon!

  11. oh yuk!! you poor thing.. It certainly is beautiful though. At least you know its almost over. They are calling from possible snow flurries here for tonight and tomorrow. Blaah!!
    go create something spring and sunny!

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Oh my gosh...I'm not sure I could handle this...even if it is so pretty.

  13. It was beautiful looking out at the trees yesterday morning, but the snow shoveling was won't last long..upper 40's this week. xo Joan

  14. Wow - that is so beautiful! Sometimes I wish we had real seasons here in California!

  15. I know the feeling! But it looks so pretty how can you stay mad, eh?

  16. The weather just needs to decide! Lovely blog by the way.


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