Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Favors

Here's my easy-peasy Easter favors for this year. Everything was bought at Hobby Lobby....with the exception of the little chick and "Happy Spring" ribbon, which I got at Michael's.
You will find all the supplies in the Easter decor aisle. If it's not there in your store, then look in the cake and candy making aisle. The chocolate egss were made using an egg shapped candy mold and dark chocolate candy melts. I did make some of mine with a peanut butter filling - totally not necessary, unless you love peanut butter cups like I do. (And if you do, they have a peanut butter cup shaped mold as well!) Melt the chocolate in the microwave, pour it into the molds and refrigerate just until set and ta-da. . .chocolate candy eggs! You could put Mr. Easter Bunny right out of business it's so easy! After they are cooled, wrap each egg in a candy foil, place in a paper candy paper and set three eggs into a 1/4 lb candy box filled with Easter Grass.
Cut a scalloped oval out of pretty paper and attach to the top of the box. Tie with Easter ribbon and add a cute little Easter chick on top and you are ready to fill up those Easter baskets!
Here is my Week 11 addition to my 52Q tag journal ~ What are you grateful for right now? I tried out Tim Holtz's Distress Crackle Paint in Tattered Rose for the base color. I don't usually have very goof luck with crackle paints, but this one-step, one-coat type worked very well.

Yesterday's winter wonderland is slowly disappearing. Even though I am completely ready for Spring-like weather to arrive, I must admit our picture postcard scene was beautiful. Even our kitty Midnight, who is definitely NOT an outdoor cat, couldn't resist venturing outside to check out the snow.


  1. great idea! it looks great! do they sell that blue foil at hobby lobby?

  2. Jeanne, your Easter favors are adorable!!!

  3. Jeanne, love your Easter favors! I've got to start thinking about's not too far away :)

  4. Thanks for sharing your clever chocolate Easter eggs!

  5. Hi,

    You are really creative. I got inspirations for my upcoming ecards work.
    Easter is on its way. I have already created easter ecards. Please check out and send them to your dear ones all free..
    Easter Card Page

  6. What a fantastic idea. I love making candy, but didn't even think about wrapping it in beautiful foil. It makes it look so special.

  7. Love your Easter favors Jeanne, they're darling!
    Cerri xo

  8. I absolutely love the tag (and the picture of teh cat venturing outdoors!)

  9. My kitty is waiting for spring too. What a pretty cat you are, Midnight!


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