If you stopped by my garden for a visit today, this is what you would find blooming. It is so much fun to walk around the yard and discover what flowers are bursting open with color. Each day I find something new has opened up. It truly is a miracle that these plants stay under the earth all winter long and come back year after year with new blossoms for us to enjoy. So what's blooming in your garden today?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Flowers in My Garden
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Potting Shed, Revisited - Part Two

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Potting Shed, Revisited

Monday, May 26, 2008
We Remember. . .

Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Challenge and The New Book

Breakfast or no breakfast: I love, love, love breakfast….my favorite meal of the day.
Chore I don’t care for: Vacuuming and scrubbing toilets - ick!
Dog or Cat: I have one black cat named Midnight and a "grand-dog" beagle named Shooter.
Essential Electronics: Computer and Printer
Favorite Cologne: Romance by Ralph Lauren
Gold or Silver: Silver
Handbag I carry most often: Vera Bradley “Betsy” bag….it has tons of pockets!
Insomnia: Sometimes – like right now….it’s 2:06 am
Job Title: Artist, mother, wife, bookkeeper, cook, maid, caregiver, etc., etc.
Kids: Only one ~ a lovely daughter.
Living Arrangements: I live in a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs with my DH
Most Admirable Trait: Honesty.
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Unscrewing the finales on the lamps and hiding them.
Overnight hospital stays: Four and I hated them all….with the exception of giving birth.
Phobias: Claustrophobia
Quote: “Life is a gift; live each day as a thank you note.” ~ author unknown
Reason to smile: A sunny day, a good book, and a cup of joe.
Siblings: One older brother.
Time I wake up: 6:00 am
Unusual Talent or Skill: I can read coffee grounds ~ like a gypsy reads tea leaves.
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Brussels sprouts ~ I was traumatized by them as a child.
Worst Habit: Biting my nails
X-rays: What about them?
Yummy Stuff: Tiramisu....mmmmm!
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Tigers......here kitty-kitty.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Etsy Treasuries


I decided that my blog needed a new spring look, so yesterday I played around in Photoshop and created a new banner and while doing that I figured out how to get it to appear bigger across the top of the page. It was so simple, but it took a lot of hit and misses until I got it right. See Donna, you aren't the only one who struggles with her blog.
So does anyone have any plans for the Memorial Day weekend? With gas prices at $4.07 around here, we are staying close to home this year. We're getting together with my DH's side of the family tomorrow and Sunday we'll be with some other family members. I think we'll have a cookout at our house on Monday and let everyone else drive out our house for a change. Have a great weekend and don't forget to fly your flag!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Stampin' and Cookin'

So were you a David Archuleta fan or a David Cook fan? I really liked them both, but felt that David Cook was the most marketable American Idol performer. I think he will go far.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday Mosaic

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Back Home

As I said, we went up to the cottage for a few days, mainly to put together a storage shed. We don't have a garage (at least not yet) so my DH wanted a space to store our bicycles, lawn furniture, gardening tools and all the other miscellaneous stuff we have. So he designed one after studying the sheds at Home Depot. He built the whole thing here and then took it apart in sections so he could transport it up to the cottage. Isn't that clever? I'm SO lucky to be married to such a handy guy.
Well, it's 1:40 am I finally finished going through all my email, so I think it's time to get some shut-eye. I am hoping tomorrow will continue to be nice, weather-wise, so I can work in the garden. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday Tidbits
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

~Washington Irving

This is my DH's mother. She led a difficult life in her younger days and she worked very hard so her children would have a better life than hers .

~Margaret Culkin Banning

I wish all the mom's out there a wonderful Mother's Day.
Remember to relax and enjoy yourself and most of all, soak in all the love.