Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Paste Journal {Finally!}

A while back I showed you the journal above that I made during Teresa McFayden's Sweet Bella E-Zine class. I told you it was the cover of my Paste Journal, which I fill with all sorts of clippings and pictures and ideas gathered from various sources. This is similar to what Artsymama is doing for Rhonna's 21 Day Challenge here. I told you at the time that I would share pictures of the inside of the journal and then as usual, time got away from me and I never got around to posting the photos. So here they are now:
In general I paste in whatever makes me smile, like clippings of favorite colors or combinations of colors that inspire me, pieces of furniture I like, decorating ideas that I want to reference, photography that I can't resist, craft ideas that I may want to try out, quotations, gardening ideas, gift ideas, inspirational words, etc. etc. You get the idea, right?


Kari said...

Love this! Very similar to what I am doing, you are right. So fun to see what inspires you:) LOVE LOVE LOVE the cover. What a cool effect!

Jessi Nagy said...

your journal is awesome!!!
im so glad im not the only one who rips clippings from magazines, i have all of mine in a book too!!!
love it!!

Sharon Tomlinson said...

Jeanne, Trying to catch up on blog reading and had to tell you that your paste journal inspires me but when can I fit one more thing in?

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Great cover! Thanks for sharing your inspirational clippings with us :)

Anonymous said...

wowza- so inpsiring! I love your choices!

m i c h e l l e said...

Your pages make me SO happy Jeanne! Fabulous work!

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