Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Shopping From A Chair

An ice storm is predicted for our area, so that means I'll be staying in the house today. I'm feeling a little under the weather too, so it's probably just as well. Yukky stuff coming out of my nose and my throat is feeling scratchy ~ basically I'm a pathetic mess! Since I'm not going out to the stores I thought I'd share some things I purchased from the comfort of my chair along with a couple of catalog finds that caught my eye.
Isn't this ballerina shadowbox the sweetest? I love the pink glittered trees and the sentiment ~ Always Dream ~ is just so perfect. I special ordered her from Dale at Sea Dream Studio and she quickly put it together and shipped it out in the blink of an eye! How about that for great service? Then I just ordered this darling little snow church from Mary at Oh Merci. I love the aqua color and the darling little wreath above the door. And the bell in the steeple actually rings!
This darling little box and snow scene is from the Room Service catalog. It's one of my favorite catalogs for beautiful things for the home ever since a friend introduced me to a couple year's ago.

These little snow cottages, also from Room Service, look so yummy in these pastel colors.

I love the detail of the icicle trim hanging from the roof line and the snow piled high on the roof.
This white glittered trio is from a store called Jayson Home & Garden. I got on their mailing list (maybe from attending the Flower & Garden Show here last year) and they send me emails periodically filled with wonderful treats like this:

And this:

I'm going to use all of the eye candy above for inspiration in putting together the Sugar Shack Kit I ordered from Holly last month. These snow houses look the way my house will look by days end after the ice storm hits. Of course I don't have a house painted a pretty shebert color like these. Well I'm off to fill up on some decongestant now so I can breathe!


  1. Hope you are feeling better...take care of yourself with some tea! I love those little trees..I remember as a child my parents had a little village with a string of lights in each with the same look and wire trees. very precious...nice to see 'coming back' Kind of Currier & Ives look.

  2. Hi Jeanne, well you would think we were hanging out together and passed on the same yuk to each other. I have the same symptoms and don't feel any better today. The pain-in-the-neck is driving me crazy and yes it doesn't seem like advil is working until I don't take any.
    I love your arm chair shopping. all the little houses are so beautiful. I wish I were home I would be making some. But I have a ceramic village that I can't seem to put up. Time...I need more time.
    Hope you fare the ice storm OK.

  3. Jeanne, snuggle up and stay warm...lots of hot tea and a good nap!! It's rainy/icy here today too...I was just on my way out, saw the road, turned around and I'm having some tea of my own and a browse through beautiful blogs and online shopping.

    The ballerina shadowbox is just spectacular and I love the houses...I'm off to check out both of these sites!!

    Be better!!!

  4. I love dales creations :-) all your pics are so cute!!!

  5. Jean hope you are soon feeling better.
    What pretties you posted in your blog today, such lovely colours too!

  6. An icky ice storm = YUMMY eye candy for us!Thanks for sharing all your finds , i am loving that ROOM SERVICE site!
    Hope you are feeling better!

  7. hello, thank you for sharing the holiday home decor christmas goodies and love the little houses..

  8. I'd love a snow/ice day to keep me indoors shopping!

  9. oh i too love all those little glittery snow houses!


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