First of all, thank you so much for leaving such sweet comments regarding my post about the potting shed. I can't tell you how much it means to me. I shared them with my hubby last night and he was beaming too. My DH is such a sweetheart to have built that little retreat for me. - it truly was a labor of love. He really likes projects like that and is pretty good about figuring out those kind of things. And he just built it from scratch too - not a kit! I have debated about moving my studio out there, but living in the midwest I would have to trudge thru the snow to get there in the winter, so I have put that idea off for now. But it is a place of inspiration and relaxation for sure!
Sorry about not posting yesterday, but Blogger was giving me so much trouble yesterday, that finally at midnight I just gave up and went to bed. I don't know about the rest of you who have Blogger, but I have been having a heck of a time trying to leave posts on other Blogger Blogs. When I click on the comment link, it takes forever for the comment window to open, if it ever does at all! Then yesterday, I couldn't even get in to create a new post on my own blog! So frustrating!!! I don't know if it is just me or if everyone is experiencing the same problem.
I really liked this quote of Rhonna's. . .the one about being your own best friend and being happy with yourself. I got emails from several friends recently who were so down on themselves - it was strange because they all were feeling this way on the same day - there must be something in the air.) I was feeling the same way too. We do beat ourselves up a lot - I think women do that much more than men, don't you? But like I said in my journaling, we wouldn't treat our friends that way, so why do we treat ourselves so poorly sometimes? I've got to change that - it fits in so perfectly with my CHOOSE JOY goal, so I'll be working on it.
Well, I've got to go take Martha in for an oil change now, so I'll have to post today's challenge page later . . .that is, if Blogger lets me!!!!
It goes without saying- your 'best things you like about your house' are just gorgeous!...but Folk Art Annie just took my heart!
Your journal entries are truly lovely. Gotta say, I find myself checking to see if you've updated your blog regularly. LOL
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