Side-tracked - Part Two
Ok, I think I used this post title not too long ago so I am calling it Part Two - I am certain there will be many future posts dealing with this issue. Today I spent the day finishing up several loose ends around the house. Paying bills, balancing the checkbooks, sorting thru my flip-flop bin, cleaning off my desk, washing all the throw rugs, scrubbing down the bathroom and clearing off the diningroom table which seems to be the catch-all for the entire family. Well during my desk clearing, I found the Bazzill one-inch chipboard squares that Lia send me and I thought they might be good to use for the base of my green fabric inchies that are due on Wednesday for ArtErratica. So I proceeded in covering both sides of of the squares with green patterned paper and setting them aside to dry. Under my inchie supply box, I came across the pile of old magazines that I need to go thru before I toss them. So I started to flip through them and in doing so I discovered some images and words and phrases I can use in my regular inchies. So I cut them out. Then I thought why not just put together a few inchies since I had all the supplies right there. Ok, twenty inchies later I had enough to mount and put in my inchie album so that is what I did. And there they are pictured above. Sorry about it not being very clear. A few of the inchies are 3-dimensional and the scanner didn't like that at all. So after making 20 regular inchies, I still haven't made the 16 green fabric inchies that have a fast-approaching deadline right around the corner. Another example of how easily distracted I can get. Oh and did I mention that my family managed to clog up both bathtubs and of course tomorrow is Sunday and the plumber is going to charge us a fortune to come out to fix them. Hope you all are having more fun this weekend than me!!
you sound so much like me, one thing leads to another... stacks of magazines to go thru, desks to clear, bills to pay, etc... i think the same ol stuff piles up for us all. love those inchies, but can't image creating in such a small size. i tried to make an ATC once and was baffled at having to make something so small. it's like trying to think Barbie size!