Monday, April 30, 2007

Odds & Ends

We went to the cottage over the weekend and I took this photo down at the beach. It looked so calm and peaceful. It's hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins. It looked just like that real life - no trick photography was used! It reminds me of one of those infinity pools the rich and famous have.
I am in love with the mailman today. . .well, not really! But I sure do love it when he leaves little packages at my door. The above goodies were ordered from Collage Stuff. They have all sorts of fun vintage ephemera for sale on their site. And below is my long awaited copy of Eye Candy from Heather over at Portals-Zine. I plan to sit down with a cup of tea after dinner tonight and take in all the beautiful artwork inside. Oh, and the little porcelain bluebird I picked up while antiquing last week. Isn't he sweet?
This afternoon I drove over to Michael's to see what all the hoopla was about Martha Stewart's new paper crafts line. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The packaging is great - very graphic as is her usual style. She has quite a nice selection of papers, stickers, rub-ons, glues, glitters, ribbons, labels, tools, albums, and organizers. I do like the colors she uses for all her product lines and as you can see I managed to find a few things I just couldn't live without. You should go in and check it out. It was nice to see something new and different at Michael's. . .I was getting a bit tired of the same old stuff there. Happy Monday!


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I saw the MS stuff and there were a few interesting things, but I did not get anything. The glitter bottle has so much in it. I didn't care for the paper-very thin.

    I love the beach photo. It brought back memories of college.

    Congrats on the Thinker vote.

  2. Connie, I agree with you about the MZ paper. I liked the glitter though as the colors were different than what I've seen. I couldn't resist a jar of the turquoise.

  3. okay, now I will have to go see what all the hoopla about the MS line is, as well.

    Who wouldn't love aqua glitter?

  4. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I have to get back over to Michaels. I was there and they were putting up the racks, but no product was out yet. Have to see what the fuss is about. I love your little blue bird, very sweet.

  5. The new MS stuff is great! I'm impressed :)


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