Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Inspiration

This is a peek at what I have been reading lately. The book above is called "Kaleidoscope" by ARTitude-Zine's Suzanne Simanaitis, although many artists have contributed to this publication both in the way of art and articles. Most of the artwork pages consist of several different artists work collaged together onto one page. Every page is so chock-full of wonderful ideas and images that I can only read a couple of pages at a time in order to let everything sink in properly.

Then below is a book called "Patterns" by Tricia Guild (founder of the Designer's Guild) which I was attracted to initially purely on the basis of it's brilliantly designed cover. I don't think you can tell just by the picture, but the cover is flocked! Yes, the black floral image is flocked onto the cover of the book, reminiscent of flocked wallpaper. It just called out to my hand to touch it - talk about making use of all the senses!! Inside, the photographs are so rich and succulent that you can't help but want to absorb all the wonderful color combinations and patterns. As an additional treat, throughout the book there are vellum pages with photographs printed on them allowing the subtle image of the next page to peer through. I have never seen a book designed so beautifully. Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!!!


  1. Oh, I can FEEL your inspiration jump out of your post! Don't you just love when these feelings overwhelm you? Very nice cards and good luck on your opening of your 'store'!

  2. I can see the attraction the cover of that book! And what a great thing that the inside is even better! I may have to find this book!

  3. Nothing better then a decorating book. I can look at them for hours.....then open the book and find something wonderful that I missed.

  4. Hi Jeanne! I linked to your blog today :)


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