Thursday, March 29, 2007

Altered Board Book Continued

Just a few changes to report on my altered board book. In the first photo, the sitting lady sprouted a pair of glittery wings. Some gold accents were also added to the page, as well as small clear flower buttons stamped with script writing. The new page in the second photo features one of my Moo Cards. I carryied the swirly pattern from the left hand page onto the right page in order to tie the two pages together. I used one of Tim Holtz's images from Stamper's Anonymous on the page in the next photo (also a new page). More work needs to be done on all the pages. I have been working in small increments of time, walking away and then returning to work some more later in the day or the next morning. Seems to be working well for me this way. Have you noticed that I haven't come up with a theme for the book yet? This is a rather backwards approach for me, but I am letting the book "speak to me" and tell me what it wants to be. Have a great day!


  1. I love how you let your books speak to you!

  2. love these pages--and the spontonaiety you are allowing yourself. nice work! and thanks for your nice comment on my blog ;-)

  3. Anonymous11:17 PM

    SO why haven't I visited your blog before? Where have I been?! Your work is FABULOUS Jeanne!

  4. Thanks Michelle - what a sweet comment!!


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