Friday, June 30, 2006
Back to Square One
Thursday, June 29, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Day 17}

My friend from Florida is in town with her family for a long weekend. She used to live here before moving to Florida and she likes to come up here to shop and visit with everyone. I am glad she does, because I miss her not being close by. Today we are going to hit some stores that they don't have in Florida. Probably IKEA, Anthroplogie, The Container Store, etc. Tomorrow we are going to Downtown Chicago to see Millineum Park and partake in the Taste of Chicago. Should be a fun time!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Days 13 - 16}

Saturday, June 24, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Day 11 & 12}

Friday, June 23, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Days 9 & 10}

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Girl's Afternoon Out

Monday, June 19, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Day 7 & 8}

It is still a struggle to discipline myself to get rid of something every day. I think I have a mental block about this goal of mine. I know it needs to be done, but it is so very hard to do it. I have a terrible habit of getting distracted into doing more fun things like going for a drive to get some art supplies, fixing myself a nice lunch to eat out on the deck, working on an art project, writing notes to friends, etc. Before I know it, the day is almost gone and I haven't gotten one step closer to my goal. But after I finished this page, I DID go clean up my paperwork basket in the kitchen like I said I would. As Lisa would say, "Inch by Inch, Step by Step......"
I couldn't resist going and working on another page after I did my stint of paperwork sorting. Felt I needed a reward. Hmmmm....maybe behavior modification is the way to go with this goal thing! So inspired by Rhonna's swirls, here is Day 8.....

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day!

Book of Dreams

Saturday, June 17, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Day 6 & Cover}
I worked on page 6 this morning {instead of cleaning something out}. I am trying to make my pages interesting to look at, yet simple so I don't take too much time away from my goal of decluttering the house. I was inspired by the delicate colors of Rhonna's page this morning, so I did my own version of it. I painted the swirls on the background with acrylic paints. I am really into swirls lately. I did go through a basket of sweaters that has been sitting in our bedroom just screaming to be sorted through. Nothing like a 90 degree day to get rid of a few sweaters that no longer fit or look too worn out to keep. Below is the cover to my journal that I finished last night. I just used up some of my old paper scraps which is helping with the decluttering in a small way.
Friday, June 16, 2006
21 Day Challenge {Days 4 &5}

These are my Days 4 & 5 for Rhonna's 21 Day Challenge. I went sort of earthy with the color palette this time. And I added some doodling to the top of the page {shown below} while I was chatting on the phone with my friend from Florida tonight. I have to say that I haven't done much sorting through any of my stuff yet, but that will change over the weekend. I am trying to get myself psyched up to do that. That is the hardest part of everything, isn't it? I do have some motivation that I found out about today. Our neighborhood is going to have a garage sale in one week. Yipee! A means to unload a lot of my things and get money for it as well. The timing couldn't have been better. Now if I can just motivate myself to fill up some boxes to take to the garage, then I will be home free!

Color Week, Day 5 {Red}

I have been experiencing computer/internet problems all day and it has been terribly frustrating. I have no patience when it come to faulty technology. It drives me crazy!

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Color Week, Day 4 {Blue}
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
21 Day Challenge - {Day 3}

Color Week, Day 3 {Black/Grey}
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
21 Day Challenge - {Days 1 & 2}

Yesterday I started working on Round 4 of Rhonna's 21 Day Challenge. You can read about it and play along here. My challenge is to simplify my life by eliminating all the excess "stuff" I {We} have accumulated over the years. 30 years of marriage amounts to ALOT of stuff which translates into too much clutter. My motto for the next 21 days is going to be "Use it or Lose it!"

Color Week, Day 2 {Brown}

Today's color is brown. At first I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, don't think I have much that is brown around my house." But then once I started looking for it, I realized that there are many things I have that are shades of brown. Duh! Most of my wood furniture is brown (except for the painted pieces that is). So this little vinette shows a portion of my camera collection.
Color Week, Day 1 {White}

Monday, June 12, 2006
Book Of Dreams Week 7 {Fabric & Fibers}

Sunday, June 11, 2006
A Little Corner of Heaven

We went up north this weekend to talk to the builder who will be contructing our cottage on this plot of land this summer. I can't believe, after all this time, that this dream of ours is actually going to become a reality. It certainly has been a long time coming. My husband and I have been coming up to this area since we were first married 30 years ago. We came because my mother used to come here with my aunts and grandparents ever since they were little girls. They would spend their summers here playing and swimming at the beaches, bicycling, going for ice cream cones after supper, attending the outdoor plays put on by a local theatrical troupe, watching the sunsets, browsing thru the quaint little shops, etc. etc. Compared to most areas, I have to say that not much has changed here. And what has changed I would say have been improvments for the better. My family never was interested in owning any property up here. In fact none of them owned their own property back home either. They were always content to rent. And in the summers they would rent one of the darling little cottages from the same resort whenever they came for a visit. The area is is considered an artist's community which explains my attraction besides the family history that is here. Many people retire in this area and open galleries to showcase their various artistic talents. My husband has always wanted to have a summer home, so we combined his dream with my love of this area and decided to purchase 6 acres of land to form our dreams into one. I'll try to document the progression of this dream here on the blog.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

I got my hair cut today. I think I made a mistake. I look like the little Dutch Boy on the can of paint. Too late now though. Of course this isn't the most flattering picture either. It is a bit freaky looking with the before and after shots morphed together. It makes me look even weirder than I usually look! I guess I could have gussied up a bit also before taking the photo. You know, the way we redo our hair right after we return from the salon because we don't like what the stylist did to it. Oh well, it's only will grow back......eventually.....right???
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Self Portrait Challenge - Pop Art

According to the dictionary, "Pop Art is short for Popular Art, because it deals with subjects taken from popular culture." I wouldn't exactly say that I am a pop culture icon, but thanks to this week's Self Portrait Challenge, I guess I am.......for today anyway! Check out more "Pop Art" here.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Monday, Monday
I paid some bills.
Balanced my checkbook(s).
Went to the bank.
Mailed some letters.
Bought some groceries.
Filled my car up with gas. (Yikes!)
Went through the car wash.
Did some laundry.
I also sorted through a humungous pile of old magazines that I have been hanging on to for ages. I hate to admit it but some were even Christmas idea magazines. I flipped through them one more time and cut out recipes and articles that I wanted to save. Sometimes I wonder why I bother cutting them out because by the time I get to the end of some magazines I have practically torn out every page! And then I have to find some way to store all the loose pages. Have you ever done that? I really need to stop buying so many magazines because it just creates more work for me and several unwielding stacks to have to go through later. I have a hard time parting with things. I guess you could call me a pack rat. Deciding what I should get rid of is always a problem for me. Everything begins to feel important when I have to decide what to throw out. I wonder what a therapist would have to say about that?
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Garden Work

We finally moved our patio furniture out to the deck so we can enjoy our meals alfresco again. I made potato salad, parmesan chicken and a green salad. Mmmm! A candle and some background music made an ordinary evening seem rather special. It is still a little cool outside in the evenings, so we made a beeline for the house after we finished eating! Now I think we'll watch some of our Season One DVD of "Monk". We just discovered that show this year, so we have some catching up to do.
Friday, June 02, 2006
More Book of Dreams Pages
I am loving this Book of Dreams project so much. I haven't even started working on this week's challenge of "Pop-ups." Actually I was looking through my Book of Dreams and came across a circle I had cut in a page a couple weeks ago when we worked on "windows." For some reason I didn't use this circle at that time, but now I thought a transparancy I had of a vase full of French Lilacs would look nice in it. So from that little chance rediscovery of the cut out circle came these pages.

For many, many years I have longed to visit Paris. It has been a dream of mine since I was in 7th grade where our class took French lessons from a teacher named Madame Varias. She was quite a character, but we all studied our DLM French dialogue tapes until we could recite them to perfection! What I like the most about Madame Varias was that she would tell us about life in Paris - the food, the sights, the culture, etc. I remember thinking to myself that someday I will travel to Paris and see everything she described to us.
In the photo above, the left hand page is an illustrated map of Paris. The right hand page shown in the photo below is done in shades of purple, lavender, teal and brown. I covered the whole page in a wash of lavender and collaged on top of that with a combination of patterned papers, rubber stamps, ephemera, ribbon, a rhinestone earring, paper clip, buttons and page pebbles. I

In the transparency half-page shown below, I used several teal glazes for the background and collaged over it using patterned paper napkins on both sides.

So now it is time to get started on the pages that I am supposed to be working on this week - "Pop-ups." I think I may have to get my geometry skills dusted off for this one!!