Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Book of Dreams - Week 5 {Metal}

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sew Cute!

It's been a while since I did any blogging. I've been just trying to catch up on some things around the house. Also, my internet connection has been giving me trouble....AGAIN! I must be the only person I know that is lamenting about giving up my AOL dial-up service. But honestly, it was so much more reliable than what I have now.
I worked on this simple scrapbook page today as week 21's assignment from Donna Downey's Big Picture Scrapbooking Class. I believe the assignment was "friends" but somehow I got sidetracked into making a sewing theme. I just bought a cute little sewing machine, that Miss Donna recommended and it is absolutely perfect for small craft projects like this. I do have a monsterously {is that a word?} heavy old Kenmore sewing machine, which happens to be buried somewhere in my storage room downstairs. But even if I could unearth it, it is much too big for my tiny studio and it is too heavy to put away and drag out whenever I need it for a project. This Jenome is only 11 lbs and much smaller, not to mention much cuter too.
Anyway I got frustrated trying to find a specific photo of my best friend that I wanted to use and while searching for it I came across these photos of my daughter and her cousin from about 18 years ago! Since I had already done some stitching on the page, {in Donna-Style}, these pictures actually seemed to fit the page better than the photo I had been looking for. You see, the kids are sewing on a tiny old Singer sewing machine that was a toy of their grandmother's when she was a girl. My nephew is actually doing the sewing, which would make his mother proud since she is quite an accomplished seamstress and quilter. My daughter is looking on while ironing with another or Grandma's antique toys.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The Da Vinci Code
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Book of Dreams Week 4 {Windows}

I had a bit of trouble with these pages when I began working on them. You know how sometimes you envision what something will look like before you start, only to have it look completely different when you finish? Well that's the problem I was having with these pages. I knew the concept I wanted to convey, the photo I wanted to use and I had no trouble constructing the window. But suddenly I hit a road block and couldn't figure out how to illustrate what I wanted to express. So I let the pages sit over night and when I came back to them this morning, everything fell into place. Which speaks volumes for walking away from your art when you feel stuck or frustrated.

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Book of Dreams - Week 4 {Niches}

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Book of Dreams - Week Three {Images}

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Boston Legal Season Finale

Love that show!
What a crazy law firm!!
Denny Crane!!!
Book of Dreams - Week Two {Layers}

Week Two's challenge was LAYERS. I love to layer and do it on practically everything I create. Layers add depth and interest to a piece. The problem I have is getting myself to stop layering and say the piece is done....finished....finito! Even with this piece I still think it needs something. I will let it sit for a while and come back to it and see how I feel in a couple of days. It's hard for me to say a piece is finished because alot of times when I step away from it another idea will come into my head. I guess my artwork is always evolving.
On this entry, I started with gessoed pages and then applied several layers of Golden paints for the background. After that I used some patterned tissue paper...I like using tissue paper because it is translucent enabling you to see thru it. I cut out some of the flowers from the tissue paper, mounted them on cardstock and applied them to the page using 3D dots to give them some dimension. The green tag is a leftover distressed piece of card stock from a school project my daughter just turned in. She was going to throw it away and I said, "I'll take it!" (I am such a packrat!) Some of the script paper is actually from a letter my 95 year old aunt wrote to me. The words are rub-ons - love rub-ons!!! Now I am off to work on week three. Hopefully I will be able to complete it before ArtsyMama posts week four tomorrow!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!

It is a couple of hours before Mother's Day, but I won't be home at all on Sunday, so thought I would get this posted early. This is my mother when she was in her early 20's. Quite a glamorous shot, don't you think? I wish I knew her when she was that age. I wonder what her hopes and dreams and aspirations were back then? She didn't give birth to me until she was 33 years old, so I wasn't even a twinkle in her eye when this picture was taken. You know how it is. When you are young you think you will do all kinds of things with your life. Then you have kids and a lot of times all those plans get put on the back-burner for a while. But the "key phrase" is for a while. It is a good idea to hang on to your dreams, write them down and refer to them often, because at some point those kids will grow up and leave the nest. And that is when you can dig out those dreams, dust them off and make them a reality for yourself! Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Studio Friday - Robots

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Ode To Pink

So this is my Ode to the Color Pink. I like pink a lot - all shades of it. I don't know when I started liking pink, but at one point I noticed that I use pink a lot in

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Self Portrait Tuesday - Introduce Yourself

Bird Watching

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Take a Moment...

Do you ever feel like your life is so hectic that you just need to take a moment, relax and catch your breath? I would imagine that everyone feels this way at some point in their life. Art is the way that I cope with those crazy kind of days. When I am creating I lose myself and my worries at least for that moment. It sure beats going to a therapist! Yesterday was one of those days. I took some time to finish off this layout that started as a make-and-take at Archiver's on Friday. It began as a 12x12 layout, but I altered it to 8x8, which happens to be my preferred size du jour these days. I took a photo of the BREATHE pillow that I bought at a craft mall I used to manage. I was drawn to the pillow by both the colors and the sentiment. Sometimes you just need that gentle reminder to take it easy once in a while. Keep in mind that a scrapbook layout doesn't always have to have a photo of a person - just something you love or enjoy. The journaling on the tag reads: "It's a good idea to take time once in a while to smell the roses, let your mind wander a little, relax your body and soul and to be grateful for all God has given us." Here's to a relaxing Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Studio Friday - Sounds

"Where words fail, music speaks." - Hans Christian Anderson
Friday, May 05, 2006
It's Lilac TIme!
Don'y you just love the look of lilacs? I do! The scent is absolutely heavenly and the colors so exquisite, as if handpainted by Mother Nature herself. They are my favorite flower, after pink roses that is. Anyway, I thought I would share this freshly picked bouquet from my garden.
I went shopping today which always puts a huge dent in my pocketbook. But who can resist a new product when it comes to this wonderful passion of our? One of the items I discovered is this great new tool. It's called the Crop-A-Dile by We R Memory Keepers. I had seen it advertised in magazines, but never imagined that it would be as fabulous as it actually is. I tried it out today and it is truly as great as the manufacturer says it is. It's a combination hole punch and eyelet setter. The hole punch actually can cut through chipboard as if it was butter! That's all it took for me to say, "I need that!" It also sets eyelets with the same ease and absolutely silently. It is an all-in-one tool which eliminates the need for hammer, hole punch, eyelet setter, setting mat, etc. And to make it even more perfect, it has a pink handle! I think I'll be adding eyelets to everything I can get my hands on for a while.
Another item that I couldn't resist was K and Company's set of Shapes and Tags. They come packaged in this cute little lunchbox container which holds quite a large selection of chipboard tags, ribbon slides, and shapes. One side of the tag is decorated with typical K and Company designs and the opposite side is plain chipboard, ready to be decorated with your own paper, paint, photos, or whatever else you desire.

The last of my fabulous finds was this set of Clear Stamps from Autumn Leaves. This particular set is appropriately called "Flowers" and is designed by Rhonna Farrer. The set includes a collection of funky flowers and scrolls in pure Rhonna-Style. I love the clear stamps since they take up so much less storage space AND they are so easy to position on your work. (Note: Archiver's has them on sale this weekend for 20% off.) Well, I am off to play with my new toys now.....Ta-ta for now!!

The last of my fabulous finds was this set of Clear Stamps from Autumn Leaves. This particular set is appropriately called "Flowers" and is designed by Rhonna Farrer. The set includes a collection of funky flowers and scrolls in pure Rhonna-Style. I love the clear stamps since they take up so much less storage space AND they are so easy to position on your work. (Note: Archiver's has them on sale this weekend for 20% off.) Well, I am off to play with my new toys now.....Ta-ta for now!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006
All Day on the Computer
Wow! Where did the day go? I spent most of the day working on the computer. First I taught my daughter how to create digital scrapbook pages. I have been taking Renee Pearson's awesome class, Doing It Digi at Big Picture Scrapbooking, and having a blast with it. My daughter asked if I could share some of my knowledge with her (what little I have on the subject), so I was showing her some of the things Renee has taught us in class.

I also worked on changing a few things around on my blog. I now have a THREE column blog instead of only two. It took some fiddling and lots of trial and error, but I finally was able to accomplish what I wanted to do, despite the fact that I think I am technologically challenged! There are a few more design things to work out before I am completely satisfied...you know how that is....but it can wait for another day.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
What a Difference
Wow! What a difference a day makes. Yesterday was cold, damp and gloomy. Today it is sunny, bright and 70 degrees. It's funny how much the weather affects our moods. Well, I am headed outside to take advantage of this glorious day before it slips away. Have a great day!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Dogs and Cats and Birds, Oh My!
It was a rainy, dreary weekend here and it is still raining today. Bummer! I don't care for cold, gray days. But as the saying goes - April showers, bring May flowers - so I will be patient and hope the sun will be shining again soon. Since the rain prevented me from taking part in any outdoor activities, I used the time to create a mini pet book. I was able to make use of the Target recipe divider cards I purchased last week. (See Post from 4/28/06) I filled the pages with photos of all the pets we have owned and loved over the years. I embellished the tabs on the dividers with various colored ribbons. ID tags for some of the pets that are no longer with us are attached to binder rings. The quote in the back of the book says, "Some of God's greatest gifts are the animals he gives us to love." This mini album is a great way to honor our furry friends.